Wendover Park Equine's home page
Wendover Park Equine Vets, Halton 01296 621840
Wendover Park Equine Vets, Watford 01296 621840

Register Your Horse

Thank you for choosing to register as a new equine client

By completing this form and registering with the Practice you are entering into a contract whereby we will provide you with veterinary care and services for your animals at your request and you agree to abide by our terms and conditions. 

Upon acceptance of this completed form by the Practice you will become a Registered Client of Wendover Heights Equine and you become the Registered Owner of all the horses that you register.

If you have a horse on loan we strongly advise that you have a written loan agreement with the owner and if you believe that you are not responsible for any Vet fees then the horse should be registered by the owner in their own name prior to any work being done.

Please fill in your details below and we will contact you shortly afterwards to confirm your registration.

Horse Details

Previous Vets

Contact details

GDPR Opt-in


Wendover Heights Equine will collect, store and process all personal data in accordance with the GDPR legislation of 25th May 2018. Please view our Privacy Policy for more information.

Practice and General Information

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Marketing Information

Please tick which methods of communication you consent to
Do you want to receive text message vaccination reminders for Equine Flu and Tetanus?
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